The ukulele is a new member as of today.
I named her Jenny and I love her already.
Yesterday, I broke a 5-foot mirror in my room. The big mirror in my tiny student-living bedroom happened to shatter all over my acoustic guitar. There were shards everywhere on it and in it, cut me in a thousand places, pieces of it ended up in my bed and a long needle of the broken glass got stuck in my finger. No one gave me the seven-years-of-bad-luck crap, which I was grateful for, but I will miss examining my full outfit in the mornings. All the huge pieces of glass are still hanging out in my room, I'm overwhelmed as to what to do with it.
Can someone teach a class on how to deal with all the practical errors of life, like a huge broken mirror, gum in your hair or nail polish remover on varnished flooring (yeah, it's seriously damaging. I found that out the hard way also. I think my old landlord hates me)?
C'es les bebes!
Tes neveux :)
If you actually have a ukulele, I will be supremely jealous. I've wanted one for ages. so hard about the mirror. I'm in favour of the class on life's little challenges, especially seeing as how I almost exploded my apartment a la Fight Club yesterday.
She had another unfortunate event with the mirror again last night...
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